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Taskforce Targets Private Landlords

Newsletter issue - December 2012.

The Taxman has announced a taskforce to investigate tax avoidance by landlords in South East England.

Private residential landlords have now been the subject of a taskforce in: Scotland, North Wales, London, East Anglia, North East, North West, and now South East England. That covers pretty much the whole of the UK. The message is clear; individuals who own rental properties must correctly declare all of the income and gains generated by those properties.

It is relatively easy for the Taxman to trace the owners of let properties through the Land Registry and compare the registered owner's name to those recorded on the electoral roll for the property. If the names aren't the same, the Taxman will assume the property has been let. He can also ask letting agents to provide lists of the landlords and properties they serve.

Please talk to us if you are uncertain about what reliefs and expenses you can claim for your let property.

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